Today our group of Mining graduates had the opportunity to visit two unique locations: DTC Botswana, a large diamond sorting facility and the Debswana Corporate Centre, the world’s leading diamond producer by value. At DTC Botswana, our group learned about the process used there for cleaning and sorting diamonds. We learned how diamonds are cleaned with a combination of high temperature salt bath and ultrasonic treatment, and about all the technology required to sort diamonds en masse. Afterwards, we took a tour of the sorting area, which was an impressive sight to behold. Thousands of diamonds sorted by size, shape, and colour laid across tables made for a dazzling sight. We were even lucky enough to hold and examine the diamonds, the largest of which weighed a whopping 109 carats.
After a short walk across the street, we found ourselves at the Debswana Corporate Centre. After a hearty lunch, the Principal Mining Engineer there gave a comprehensive presentation about the projects being worked on at Debswana. It was especially interesting to learn all about the Jwaneng mine, as we will be visiting it tomorrow.