Two days ago we left the outstanding Gecko Lodge in Hazyview South Africa. They were excellent hosts and hopefully some of us will stay there again in the future. After a travel day we were lucky enough to tour Anglo American's Mogalakwena platinum mine. We began our day touring the one of a kind robo sampling system and later their pit. It is the largest open pit platinum mine in the world with a remaining mine life of 106 years. The current mine plan is to merge the 3 active open pits into one over the next 50 years. The pit would then transition into an underground operation for the remaining 50 years of its life. Charles, the senior geologist of the mine, was an incredible guild providing the group with interesting facts about Mogalakwenas past and plans for the future. Unfortunately we had to shorten our visit due to time constraints with crossing the border to Botswana.

After a long bus ride, we have found ourselves in Gabron Botswana. After a much needed dinner, the group is settled in for the night at the Gabron Hotel. We are excited to tour the Diamond Trading Company (DTC) Botswana facility tomorrow morning as it is an opportunity that few would get if not for this trip.